In class the other day we watched the movie "Start Up Dot Com" set in the early two thousands during the dot com financial bubble. The characters document their experience raising capital for their internet start up Khalil and his friend Tom came up with the idea of paying parking tickets online and wanted to publish it to the world, and make millions off of it. Things got more hostile between them and the other investors however when they were trying to find backers and decide how much their idea was worth. I guess everyone was fixated on being a millionaire and that is what most of the movie was about. Their actual product turned out to be messy and filled with bugs in a competitive market and one of their original investors had to be bought out because they did not like him or his lack of contributions. Amid all of this their business is broken in to in what some would call corporate sabotage and to others a distraction. I did not finish the movie in class but it sounded like the whole thing fell through after they were offered the chance to walk away rich with no control of their idea anymore. In the end however Khalil and Tom remained friends and seemed happy to continue on with other ventures in the future like this movie.
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