
       The group I am writing about presented their topic as cybersecurity and cybercrimes. They defined cybercrime as a crime using a computer, these include phishing, hacking, spreading terrorism, child pornography or pedophilia. Apparently, the US has also spent $28 billion on cybersecurity showing its a big and threatening field. Consequently 66% of US citizens also online date which brings its own perils such as catfishing and crimes that come from meeting strangers off the internet. To protect oneself from this people should check if the person they are talking to is who they say they are because apparently also 81% of people lie about their identity online.
      In general, to improve security online we should be aware that 1 in 13 emails sent contain malware and others could be phishing for personal information. Many government agencies still communicate solely through mail and face to face interactions because of these worries as a precaution. Warren Buffet was also quoted saying that cybercrime can be the biggest threat against the United States infrastructure. In the legal system, a new procedure named Providence has been developed for online evidence for a chain of control that is held by police and can not be manipulated in any way before reaching court.
       After the whole presentation some might want to throw away their computer and never see a screen again, but sadly data leaks are out of our control as is most of our personal information. I think its best to just remain cautious and vigilant of all things online but not to let that deter me from using technology.


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