The Future of Journalism
With new technology around us, everything is changing. One area affected by new inventions is journalism. From the printing press allowing the mass publication to radios providing live commentary to television bringing pictures and broadcasts from the world into our homes. The newest innovation seems to be the internet. Allowing constant contact to anyone in the world the World Wide Web is changing journalism. It is up for debate whether this is good or bad as it allows any person to publish anything without checks for factuality. A video published to Youtube with the title Epic 2015 is purely satirical in nature, but in the wrong context to any college tech class, it could seem like pure truth. The same thing is true about The Onion and their social media spinoff Clickhole which post parody news stories that can get quoted and passed on as fact. The question now is where is journalism going? My thoughts are that there will always be a need and a source for reporting, but some of its methods may change with popularity.
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