Class Thoughts

     I am excited about this class. I have always been interested in technology and would like to one day have a career in it. Because of these reasons, I am sure TINST 207 will be a great learning experience for me. It is rarely realized how much technology is influencing our daily lives from all around. Even more so people including myself do not know how all of it works. From the earliest creations inventors like the world wide web's by Sir Tim Berners-Lee to the structures and systems like TCP/IP or Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocols.
     The project for this class especially interests me. I like to work in groups and give presentations and this is one of my favorite topics. However, this project will push me to look farther into new technologies that I know little about. One possibility for the project could be Digital Health Technology like the new art pieces that require users to set down their devices to perform other actions like turning on a desk light or the software options for healthy digital rules and boundaries so that people do not devote their whole lives to screens that have been proven to cause eye damage and more subtle mental health problems. One other disruptive new tech I would be interested in researching is the digital possession of identity. We all think we are uniquely human, but where does this self-image come from? Is it our face, voice, interests, memories, or even government ID? Identity theft is not a new concept, but what happens when your likeness is taken? In Single White Female it was creepy, but now it could possibly be done by A.I. Google demoed their new assistant which can stand in for a human on simple phone calls without anyone knowing. Not too insidious, yet. Adobe, however, took this a step farther in 2016 to show how our voices are not entirely our own anymore and can be manipulated. Combined with fun consumer software like Facerig or even Snapchat filters Our likenesses could quickly be slipping out of our control. I would like to discuss the implications and possible protocols to deal with them in my presentation about one of these topics.


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